1902 Home Study Course in Osteopathy by the Columbia College of Osteopathy
This volume is the textbook sold by an institution of osteopathy by correspondence, The Columbia College of Osteopathy, founded by Dr Barber after the National School of Osteopathy bankruptcy.
Publisher: Columbia College of Osteopathy, Chicago, Illinois (USA)
Year of publication: 1902
Number of pages: 160
The volume is divided into several parts, each with an independent page numbering.
The first part (31 pages) contains the first two lessons on the theoretical and practical principles of osteopathy.
The second part (27 pages) is articulated into 3 lessons: the first lesson on gastrointestinal disorders, the second on the pathologies of liver, kidneys, pancreas, spleen, bladder, rectum and anus; the third on respiratory system disorders.
Also the third part (31 pages) contains three lessons: the first on rheumatism, low back pain and gout, the second on goiter, tumors, skin, articular, ocular and otolaryngological diseases; the third on nervous disorders.
In the fourth part (32 pages) there are two lessons: the first on febrile states and gynecological pathologies, the second on the skeleton, muscles, circulation and nervous system.
The fifth and last part (30 pages) contains the last two lessons, the first on: respiratory organs, digestive system, skin and genital organs.
The book ends with a miscellaneous work on the success of osteopathy and the necessary instructions to open a practice. In this last lesson there are two interventions by professional osteopaths, the first emphasizes the usefulness of mental therapy and the points of convergence between osteopathy and the movement of the New Thought, the second one expresses an opinion contrary to the antitoxins.
After reading these 12 lessons, contained in a book of 160 pages, the paying student would earn the title of D.O.. Between the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century, especially in the states where osteopathy was not yet regulated, a proliferation of correspondence or simply not very serious osteopathic schools was observed. The Committee on Education of the AOA tried to limit the spread of such initiatives, although, it was possible to stop it completely only after the entry into force of the laws for recognition.1
Strengths: of merely historical interest.
Weaknesses: volume semplicistico e con una prospettiva molto diversa da quella del fondatore.
- Gevitz N. The DOs: Osteopathic Medicine in America. 2nd edition, Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press; 2004.

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