Craniosacral Osteopathy

Craniosacral osteopathy or osteopathy in the cranial field comes from the work of William G. Sutherland and Harold Magoun and deals with the balancing of ligamentous and membranous tensions in the skull and sacrum to restore the “primary respiratory mechanism”, which is the natural movement of the brain, nerve, spinal and meningeal structures and of the bones that enclose them. As a result, it can be said that osteopathy in the cranial field aims at keeping the vital and pulsating center of the organism healthy.

Always seen as a kind of mystification for the difficulty in detecting the “primary respiratory mechanism”, in recent years, craniosacral osteopathy can actually flourish thanks to the most advanced research in neurophysiology that is imposing a paradigm shift in the understanding of the brain, its functioning and its links with the immune and lymphatic system (and beyond).

With the discovery, for example, of the glymphatic system and of a lymphatic system within the brain and with the neurological finding that injecting drugs following the path of the cranial sutures brings better results in treating headaches, Craniosacral osteopathy can be reconceptualized on a strong scientific basis, and therefore understandable to all healthcare professionals, thus playing a central role in managing patients’ health.

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