Osteopathy: How Can It Help You?
What does osteopathy do? What are its fields of action and how does it work in the treatment of dysfunctions?
Osteopathy is a complete and coherent health discipline, based on sound principles, with proven effectiveness in treating many health disorders and not only those linked to musculoskeletal dysfunctions. Osteopathy promotes the health and balance of the body in terms of function, vitality and resilience through its specific approach, characterized by well-defined phases: assessment, palpation and management of the patient, independently of the ailment treated, whether functional or structural.
Osteopathy is a manual therapy focused on the listening to the body as a whole; it is not focused on its individual parts but rather on the analysis of each symptom in search for its triggers, in order to intervene on them through specific manipulative treatments aimed at balancing the body.
What can osteopathy help you with?
The basic concept is that there is no single solution for every problem because its concurrent causes are always different. Therefore osteopathy looks at the overall picture of the patient, working on the rebalancing of the whole body’s health, considering not only purely physical aspects, but also external factors that may affect the general state of health, such as nutrition, lifestyle, etc.
In the osteopathic field all parts of the body are considered in relation to each other, even those that are normally considered distant and independent. Each structure of the human body fits into an anatomical/physiological context shared with the adjacent structures, which is why health is also expressed in a physiological structural relationship. Likewise, neurological, mechanical, vascular, immune and psychological relationships are always present in a pathological condition, be it functional or organic.
The fields of action of osteopathy are vast and include the musculoskeletal, digestive and dental systems, and can positively affect cases of food detoxification and more. Osteopathy can be effectively applied to pregnant and postpartum women, as well as premature infants. It has been proven to be effective – see also many scientific studies – in treating various forms of headaches and migraines (two of the main causes for which people consult an osteopath), joint and muscle pain, ear infections, problems caused by incorrect postures, gastric acidity and reflux, irregularities of the menstrual cycle and problems resulting from sports traumas.
Osteopathy also successfully treats dysfunctions and problems of pediatric patients, from their first days of life. Among the others we will mention here, for example, baby colics, positional plagiocephaly, evacuation difficulties and much more.
The role of Osteopedia
Osteopedia collects a large number of articles on scientific publications, constantly updated, through which it is possible to evaluate the wide spectrum of intervention of osteopathy together with its success rate in treating and preventing various pathologies and conditions in autonomy or in synergy with other health interventions. Such articles make the studies accessible to most and help to spread the understanding of the great potential of osteopathy, of which not many people are aware of nowdays, and, therefore, cannot benefit from.
Together with the studies of the osteopathic scientific research, Osteopedia aims to collect the testimonies of those who have resorted to osteopathy and wish to share the results they have obtained. The exposure of the direct experience of people like us can help anyone understand if this type of path can help them and how.
The following is a list of pathologies to which articles and testimonies are linked.
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Register nowPathologies treated by osteopathy
Below is a list of cases and pathologies that can be the object of manipulative osteopathic treatment. Osteopathy can be useful in rebalancing vital functions, acting not just as a cure but above all as prevention. The indications for an osteopathic treatment are very wide, they concern many pathologies and specific conditions in subjects of all ages: from newborns (also preterm infants) and children to elderly and pregnant women.
The cases resolved by the osteopath told through the opinions of patients
534 testimonials
Sabrina D.
Soffrivo da tempo di reflusso allo stomaco con dolori al collo e alla spalla. Il Dott. Francesco Rullo mi ha spiegato che i dolori che avevo al collo e spalla potevano derivare dal reflusso. Mi ha trattato con tecniche manipolative dolci e in sole tre sedute mi ha risolto il problema. Grazie infinite ...Molto preparato nel suo campo. Lo consiglio
Pathology: Acidità gastrica, gastrite
Osteopath: Francesco Rullo
Maria Pia Guerriero
Avevo dolori alle ginocchia e alle mani per sindrome del tunnel carpale, ho trovato nel dottore una professionalità ed una passione che si percepiva dalle sue parole, così come la sua conoscenza, dopo qualche seduta il dolore alle ginocchia è sparito, mentre per il tunnel carpale ci stiamo lavorando ma ho avuto già miglioramenti, posso solo dire che è una persona disponibile e umana, un medico di quelli che se ne incontrano pochi al giorno d'oggi. Lo consiglio vivamente.
Pathology: Sindrome del tunnel carpale
Osteopath: Ferdinando Pomo
Osteopata preparata e attenta. Soffrivo di mal di testa ricorrenti per cui prendevo ogni giorno un oki. Ora ho risolto incredibilmente sia le emicranie che i miei disturbi gastrici.
Pathology: Emicranie
Osteopath: Maria Elena Caldarone
Silvia Petroni
Andata da lui per la prima volta tramite curiosità social e passaparola di amici. In sole 3 sedute mi ha risolto un problema lombare a sua detta di pertinenza viscerale, sbalorditivo! Ora che non ho più nulla e sto bene non posso rinunciare comunque ai suoi trattamenti, vado per prevenzione! Ciao doc! Ancora graziee