Fascial Osteopathy

Fascial osteopathy aims at assessing and restoring the balance and function of fascial tissues, that is each layer of connective tissue that unites, connects and separates skin, muscles, blood and lymphatic vessels, nerve pathways and organs.

The connective tissue is the environment in which every cell lives and on which every other tissue rests: for this reason, the fascial system determines the architecture and development of the body, which is why it is now recognized as central to the health of the whole organism.

It is through the connective tissue that the cells get their nourishment and can get rid of the waste of their metabolism. In the same way, it is through the connective tissue that the cells communicate and, on the contrary, are kept divided from each other and protected from pathogenic elements (eg, microbes).

The fascial system is also the seat of a dense network of sensory nerve fibers that constantly inform the central nervous system of the mechanical, physical, chemical and biological state of each area of the body, thus allowing: 1) the real-time regulation of homeostasis – survival – and allostasis – adaptation – of the organism; 2) the formation of body awareness through the senses of proprioception, nociception and interoception.

Acting on the fascia, fascial osteopathy therefore has the potential to support and restore the health of the body starting “from its foundations”, promoting a good environment in which the cells can live and avoiding the accumulation of metabolic and inflammatory waste.

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