About us
The project osteopedia
Welcome to Osteopedia.com, the first international portal entirely dedicated to osteopathy. Our mission is to provide an ever-growing global source of information on osteopathy, using the same format for all countries.
About us
We are a hub of professionals working within the osteopathic field who wish to be joined by all those osteopaths who care about Andrew Taylor Still’s principles, starting from the one he uttered on his deathbed: “Keep it pure, boys. Keep it pure.” Our intention is to help osteopaths improve and expand their knowledge in order to make their clinical practice increasingly effective and constantly updated.
Osteopedia.com is the international portal of osteopathy
Editorial board
Telefono: 0803968115 E-mail: info@osteopedia.uk
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The mission of Osteopedia
Osteopedia.com has three main goals:
- To give to all osteopaths, in training and not, the opportunity to improve and expand their knowledge, in order to make their clinical practice increasingly effective, constantly updated and at the same time rooted and consolidated in the mastery of the techniques and principles handed down by the founders of the discipline, first of all by Andrew Taylor Still.
- To spread the osteopathy science and practice throughout all countries, including those where, right now, they are absent or little developed.
- To connect schools, professionals and end users in order to promote and enhance the role that osteopathy plays within each nation.
Authority and contents
Osteopedia.com has six main areas of interest:
- The history of osteopathy: this dedicated section explores the historical and cultural origins of osteopathy starting from the 19th century with a detailed account of Andrew Taylor Still’s life and numerous insights into the life and work of the protagonists, the books, schools and institutions that have shaped the history of osteopathy up to the present day. We will also explore anecdotal episodes and fun curiosities.
- Scientific research: a constantly updated collection of recent scientific articles coming from the world of research in the osteopathic field. The articles are summarized and reviewed by our experts. The presentation of the articles in a schematic form, as well as their translation into different navigation languages, have been designed to facilitate their consultation as much as possible.
- Anatomy: a page completely dedicated to anatomy, with videos, reference texts and articles, to offer a point of view that is always in step with the times but also rooted in the very tradition of the osteopathic science.
- The collection of osteopaths, schools, events and much more: a detailed and exhaustive census of all the osteopaths present on the territory of all countries participating in the project, as well as all practices, schools, courses, events, trade associations and course and study books for the osteopathic practice.
- Connection between patients and osteopaths: the ability to connect osteopaths to patients and to their fellow osteopaths, through a powerful and effective internal search engine. Anyone browsing our website will be able to locate the osteopath closest to their residence and book an appointment directly online, quickly and easily.
- The shop: an online shopping section, to facilitate the search for products of specific interest, such as anatomical models, anatomy and osteopathy posters, treatment tables and specialized books for the study and practice of osteopathy.
Join our Community
Osteopedia.com is the first international container dedicated entirely to osteopathy. Here you will find all the information related to osteopathy and a wide range of online services, which will allow you to reduce by far the time of all your research and study in the osteopathic field.
If you are an osteopath or an osteopathy student join our community and discover how Osteopedia.com can help you improve your clinical practice and stay constantly updated on the latest osteopathic news.
Register now and access our online services, including our newsletters with reviews of the latest scientific publications, offers from our online shop and much more!